Presentations & Engagements

CONNECTING WITH COMMUNITY: The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How

More info coming soon!

Tags: Beginner, Intermediate, Community, Connections, Critique, Peer-to-Peer, How-to, Confidence Builder, Writing


That person in the mirror … who is it? More than just a reflection, for sure!

Are you who and where you want to be? Multiple parts and pieces make up who we are as writers. While we don’t need to end up being a puppet of who others think we are, we need to at least be aware of the other images when we walk out the door and into the public eye. Self, Other, Community, Profession, and Faith. Use the knowledge and resources of this presentation to up your writing profession game.

Tags: Beginner-Intermediate, Confidence Building, Self-worth, Writing, Inspiration, Practical

EDITING B4 THE EDITOR: 10 Tips to Save Time, Money, and Credibility with Pre-editing

Are you paying CEO prices for someone to wipe up a spill? Sending our work to editors when it is not polished is much like that. Don’t make your editor get out their mop instead of their polishing cloth.

Pre-editing is more than just browsing our manuscripts for typos, dropped words, and formatting issues. Learn the Who, What, When, Where, and Why there is a need to pre-edit before engaging someone to analyze our work, as well as practical tips How to pre-edit.

Tags: Beginner, Intermediate, (refresher) Expert, Confidence Builder, Writing, Craft, Editing

NAME GAME: So Much More Than Just A Matter Of Recognition

This presentation was formerly knows as: Name That Character: What’s in a Name and Why Do We Call Them That? But through much research, the act of naming characters, places, and things is just the tip of the iceberg. So much more knowledge is needed in regards to libel, slander, follow-up, name and brand usage. Currently revamping (11/02/24).

Names are important. They’re how we are identified and we’re recognized by them. These sobriquets are impactful to us in person. The perfect nomenclature is just as important to our cast of characters between the pages. It gives them their individual identities.

Cultural names can enhance a character’s believability. Family monikers may be a cute quirk of story or cause confusion (planned or not). Even specific spellings can drop clues, add hidden bits of humor to astute readers, or remain a mystery.

Do character names drop in your lap or pop in your head? Lucky you! If not, a little digging can reveal the ideal name. Find out what’s in a name and if it really does matter what we call our characters.

Tag: Beginner-Expert, Craft, Writing, Practical, (minor) legal, How-to, Characterization

WRITING WITH RUBBER BANDS: Creating Tension in Story

Tension in fiction draws our readers in and places them at the proverbial edge of their seat, creating a need to turn the page.

Working the push and pull—the tensity—of emotions into our stories isn’t just for mystery and thriller novels. Romance, science fiction, historical … all genres … including some non-fiction writing, benefits from this vital story element.

Creating a delicate balance between reader stress and reprieve is more than stringing words together and hoping they stretch like a rubber band. We need to know when to pull the tension taut and when to release to create a satisfying experience for our readers.

Explore what tension in story is and why it’s crucial; along with tips, techniques, and literary devices used to create it—all without harming a single rubber band.

Panelist at Bouchercon (World Mystery Convention) in Dallas 2019

Presenting at ACFW DFW

Online discussion about health as a writer with Unleashing the Next Chapter

Woman standing behind table and giving presentation.

Presenting at a DFW WordPress monthly meeting